Growing Facial Bones With Stem Cells

It seems as though the uses for stem cells have no boundaries. In the past few years, they have been used to create a damaged trachea and have even replaced heart tissue. In a recent example of the potential for stem cell use, these cells were used to grow facial …

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Building a Windpipe from Stem Cells

Stem cells have been touted as the treatment of the future for many diseases but perhaps surprisingly, they have also made the news recently for their ability to rebuild areas of the body that have suffered from tissue destruction. These types of procedures have previously been difficult and unsuccessful ones, …

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Using Drugs to Unlock Stem Cells

We already know that stem cells have enormous potential for treating some of the world’s most devastating diseases but fine-tuning these therapies, overcoming challenges and completing many more clinical trials to ensure their efficacy must still be done before these treatments can become a reality. Drugs Hold a Key Drugs …

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Breast Implants from Stem Cells

Breast implants have been a subject of controversy for decades, from the silicone implants that were originally used to the saline and cohesive silicone implants of today. Complications abound and many women end up having additional surgeries to fix complications from their breast augmentation. Using Stem Cells Now, a new …

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Stem Cells for Stroke Victims

Brain damage that results from stroke is an enormous challenge to address for people around the world. That’s why research into stem cell therapies for stroke victims is so vital to reduce the devastating effects of stroke on its victims. Stem Cell Study A new study is set to go …

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Lowering Stem Cell Cancer Risk

One of the biggest setbacks to stem cell research is that it can potentially trigger one of the diseases that we hope it will eventually treat one day – cancer. Because stem cells have the ability to rapidly grow and differentiate into specialised cells that can heal damaged organs and …

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Turning Stem Cells Into Sperm

There are many different reasons to find ways to create sperm from stem cells – one of these is to help infertile couples have children. It’s an enormous field of work and thus far, it’s looking as though stem cells may end up providing one answer to this problem. New …

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Cancer and Stem Cells

Cancer afflicts millions around the world each year and many go through treatment only to relapse years later. Others die from the disease and often after a great deal of suffering. It’s no surprise that cancer research is at the forefront for current medical studies. In particular stem cells are …

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Major Diseases and Stem Cells

Possibly the most exciting use of stem cells rests on their ability to differentiate into an enormous range of healthy functioning adult cells, thereby providing a replacement source of cells to treat serious diseases. This ultimately means that virtually any disease that results in cellular and tissue destruction can potentially …

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Stem Cells and Hair Loss

For men and women who are losing hair the experience can be both frustrating and embarrassing. The association of a full head of hair with youth and vitality has left many people searching for a solution that truly works and doesn’t simply provide the false promises that numerous adverts offer. …

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